понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

euro hostel

  • ���� I spent the past weekend in�New York�City. My girlfriend Pam* Gabrielle goes to graphic design music school up there, so in an effort to stimulate the sinking economy on�Wall�Street,�I decided to visit her. Most of the trip was spent just hanginapos;--and I had a very good time doing that--but it turns out that the post 9/11, post economic 9/11 NYC is exactly the same as it ever was. Itapos;s weird how being on one side of the town can be a blast and another can be a complete drag (thanks a lot, rich people), but being in the biggest city in the US at least gives me some perspective on what I appreciate here in Florida, namely its spread-out population. I certainly wouldnapos;t want to live here forever--or even past the age of 25--but I do like Florida for what itapos;s worth. Cold climates are more preferable to me, but I could never complain about the people here and the places here and there that we might take for granted. Itapos;s too bad most people only appreciate Tampa Bay when our sports teams are doing well.
  • *The Office is off to an okay start this season; I really like Amy�Ryan. Weapos;ll see.

  • ���� Here are a list of things I find more exciting than the sport of baseball:
  • ���� -Pretty much everything.

    ���� Thereapos;s nothing wrong with getting really into this World Series stuff, I�just donapos;t like baseball and my hometownapos;s winning wonapos;t change that. I would like for us to win, sure, but I suppose I never could relate to the cut-throat mentality of competition. Or maybe enthusiasm in general. No, maybe itapos;s the mob mentality. No, no, no; itapos;s the lack of humility. Itapos;s the same feeling I have about the Obama fanatics: Yes I support him�(and The Devil�Rays), but I refuse to let that define the tone of every conversation I hold for months on end nor will�I allow my support to define how I relate to other people and their opinions. This rah-rah bullshit is really getting under my skin.

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consumer reports login

Iapos;m not feeling well. I have a lot of stuff due this week so I have to work hard and my motivation just disappeared. Iapos;m not afraid anymore.....Iapos;m ready to face it and fight thru today....itapos;s fighting to live. Trying to find a way.....sometimes dreaming for a time when this will all just be a memory. Better times better days....or at least the opportunity to come when I can just give myself entirely for the purpose. Whatever that purpose is.......it has to be for the good of people. It has to make a difference. My life cannot and will not be in vain. That is the one thing I can control.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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  • Wow, the lineup really sucks now.
  • What does it say about me that Iapos;d rather watch some ancient random dub episode of Fullmetal Alchemist than see Sarah Palin on SNL? ... Probably a lot thatapos;s good, actually. Edapos;s dub voice is still less grating than Palinapos;s.
  • Iapos;m a PC. So are all these other people. Thereapos;s more of us, so that means Macs suck.
  • If Metalocalypse began the transition that Adult Swim shows have been making from nonsense humor to MTV-style animated shock violence, then Superjail signals the completion of that move. Iapos;m half-expecting a Beavis and Butthead remake at this rate.
  • I donapos;t much care for Moral Orel, but at least its creators seem to understand how much Tim and Eric horribly suck. I seriously go into convulsions whenever I see even a commercial for those dicks.
  • Is it me, or is Robot Chicken now mostly just fart jokes and jokes about how they got an Emmy for making fart jokes? Not complaining per se, Iapos;m just saying.
  • I feel like pushing Moribito and Code Geass to 5am was done just to troll anime fans. (So was replacing their premieres with repeats of FMA, come to think of it.) If Williams Streetapos;s own shows werenapos;t so offendingly terrible, I would appreciate the taunt more.
  • No, seriously, this lineup really sucks.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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i feel like locking my blog now.
too many people know too much.
and then people say that�i cant keep secrets because i cant�even keep my own secrets since everything i feel about is�on my blog anyway.
its called trusting the wrong people with my stuff.

iapos;m going to go on an image change.
shut up about everything. Be less violent. Be more sensitive. Not to judge people. Be there for the people i care about.

love [more] people like how Daddy�God did.

do i sound retarded?

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Its my fall break.
i have strep. :(

so if uva is about 3.5 hours away... Is that a go and spend the night trip, or a go and come back the same night trip? i hope its a come back tonight trip. Because strep is not ruining my fall break.

i am obsessed with one of emilyapos;s cats. Every time i would start to feel bad again last night, she would come over and cuddle up next to me. So sweet.

i woke up to a very exciting text yesterday morning... So.... CONGRATULATIONS�LINDSEY�AND�DANIEL
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contemporaine cmk


For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt?

We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, apos;You donapos;t know Jack
Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an
intellectual way.

Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer
magnate, who married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They
had one son, Jack.

In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple
produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull
Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.

Against her parentsapos; objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high
school dropout.
After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.
Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living
with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe
Schitt Sherlock.

Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a
rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six
children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout
childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual
The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens
nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse.

Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world.
He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

Now when someone says, apos;You donapos;t know Jack Schittapos;, you can correct them.

Crock O. Schitt
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

diamonds pressing up against

Sooo....on this one NWoD chat there is a player who should have his picture in the dictionary right next to BRPS.

Heapos;s active in the Changeling: The Lost game and plays the Summer King. All well and good, right?

Uhm...no. Not when you consider that heapos;s gained quite a reputation for himself in terms of character killing WTFery (his characters die because of his penchant for WTFery and classic BRP. The best example of this was his female vampire who walked around with a stake concealed in her privates and a mage that was taken out by a ghouled Persian cat on a previous chat (since closed).

This guy is the sort of player that his peers and STs pray to God has a harddrive failure, if not terminal then long enough to give them 24-48 hours of peace.

Let us call this particular Changeling character Lord Krapian Shitforbrains. Since the chat has opened, heapos;s done the following things, or rather his player has. I refuse to blame a creation of words and numbers for the sins of his idiot player:

The characterapos;s concept is Defender of the Freehold. Heapos;s supposed to be some uber-honorable pseudo-samurai warrior type blah blah blah. Now....the concept hasnapos;t been adhered to all that well. Heapos;s also a Wizened/Soldier, which means that due to the Seemingapos;s shortcomings he should have a diminished, worn appearance to him (as their slavery leaves them literally drained of some spark). No, his PB is of some blond anime guy or another (Link and Cloud Strife have made appearances).

Lord Krapianapos;s Greatest Hits:

The character walked into a club and became disruptive when the owner just laughed at him when he flashed money to buy the place. Turns out the char didnapos;t have the resources to purchase/maintain said business. His rationale: apos;I want to buy this place so my sister can be a bitch in peace."

Lord Krapian has earned the reputation of being a total jackass in the eyes of his fellow Royalty for God knows how many violations of good sense and common courtesy.

The character has seriously lost respect within the Freehold because, during a unarmed sparring contest with another (Spring Court) Lost, he decides to come strolling into the ring carrying a sword. (The player metagamed his way through this encounter so blatantly the ST had to freeze the thread not once, but TWICE). So, we now know that Lord Krapian has a sword that can magically transform from steel to a boken (he never mentioned switching weapons, or even better, disarming). "Honorable....?" Just about everyoneapos;s ass at that point.

Has recently sent a just escaped (weapos;re talking days here, folks) from the Hedge into a potentially dangerous situation (to infiltrate a neighboring freehold thatapos;s closed off contact)...without backup. Just a pat on the back and "good luck".

Has mentioned ICly that he wants to become True Fae, so he can "take the fight to the enemy".

What a douche.
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