понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

euro hostel

  • ���� I spent the past weekend in�New York�City. My girlfriend Pam* Gabrielle goes to graphic design music school up there, so in an effort to stimulate the sinking economy on�Wall�Street,�I decided to visit her. Most of the trip was spent just hanginapos;--and I had a very good time doing that--but it turns out that the post 9/11, post economic 9/11 NYC is exactly the same as it ever was. Itapos;s weird how being on one side of the town can be a blast and another can be a complete drag (thanks a lot, rich people), but being in the biggest city in the US at least gives me some perspective on what I appreciate here in Florida, namely its spread-out population. I certainly wouldnapos;t want to live here forever--or even past the age of 25--but I do like Florida for what itapos;s worth. Cold climates are more preferable to me, but I could never complain about the people here and the places here and there that we might take for granted. Itapos;s too bad most people only appreciate Tampa Bay when our sports teams are doing well.
  • *The Office is off to an okay start this season; I really like Amy�Ryan. Weapos;ll see.

  • ���� Here are a list of things I find more exciting than the sport of baseball:
  • ���� -Pretty much everything.

    ���� Thereapos;s nothing wrong with getting really into this World Series stuff, I�just donapos;t like baseball and my hometownapos;s winning wonapos;t change that. I would like for us to win, sure, but I suppose I never could relate to the cut-throat mentality of competition. Or maybe enthusiasm in general. No, maybe itapos;s the mob mentality. No, no, no; itapos;s the lack of humility. Itapos;s the same feeling I have about the Obama fanatics: Yes I support him�(and The Devil�Rays), but I refuse to let that define the tone of every conversation I hold for months on end nor will�I allow my support to define how I relate to other people and their opinions. This rah-rah bullshit is really getting under my skin.

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